Thursday, December 8, 2011

What does The Status Mean On The Report Card?

I am a new york high school student and i always wondered what does the Current Status mean on the report card. On my report card it says current status A. Is that good?|||Well this is a little table/formula that I have come up with A++ = 100 (perfect

paper w/ extra-credit)

A+ = 98 A = 95

A- = 92

B+ = 88

B = 85

B- = 82 C+ = 78

C = 75

C- = 72

D+= 68

D = 65 D- = 62

F = %26lt;60

This grading system is based on letters of the alphabet A= THE BEST F=FAIL/WORST|||hell ya thats the best grade you can get!|||With low power, i guess.

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