Monday, December 12, 2011

Could I still get an Indian status card if I'm only half Native?

My father, grandmother and great grandmother are all full blooded Native that are all Ojibwe (as well as Cree, I think) so I think I am half Native because my mother is Portuguese that gives me Portuguese descent as well. Am I able to get Indian staus with these conditions?|||It depends.

The members of your family who are Native must be from a Nation that signed a treaty with Canada. They would have been "Status Indians". Then you would qualify for a "Status Card" if you are 1/4 or more Native.

But if your Nation did not sign a treaty with Canada then you don't qualify for a "Status Card" even if you are a full-blood Native.


If your family are from an Ojibwe Nation they would have signed a treaty with Canada. That may also be true for the Cree. Most if not all Cree Nations signed a treaty with Canada.

.|||Yes you can still get one.

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