Monday, December 12, 2011

Does lying about your status on I-9 automatically disqualify you as a candidate for green card?

I lied about my legal status to work in the US. I am now married to a US citizen and had my immigration interview. The interviewer asked to give I-9 forms from my employer as further evidence and have 30 days to respond. I know that they will know I have lied on my I-9. Does that mean I will not get my green card even though I am married now to US citizen?|||you committed a HUGE "mistake" one that may well end up with you being in some serious trouble I do hope you have a great lawyer.|||The felony you committed guarantees your deportation and permanent bar to reentry. Consider yourself lucky if you do not spend a few years in prison prior to deportation. Get your butt out of the US yesterday. You are in that much trouble. You have NO chance of any visa, green card, or anything else in the US ever! Furthermore, you are flagged for immigration fraud and can plan on going nowhere but your country of citizenship for the rest of your life. Get out this instant. You cannot wait - unless you want to go to prison.|||If you indicated you are a US citizen on the I-9, that will make you ineligible for a green card. Falsely claiming US citizenship makes someone inadmissible. There is no waiver available for it, and the penalty is high. I don't agree with the harshness but it's the law right now.|||You committed fraud. You will never get a green card even if you are married to a citizen. You will be deported with a lifetime ban on returning.|||It's not automatic but highly likely that your application for a green card will be denied. Marrying a US citizen does not confer immunity from the legal consequences of falsely claiming US citizenship or LPR status.|||As long as you never claimed you was a US citizen .. you may get thru this

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