Monday, December 12, 2011

Can you renew a green card after getting a deserter status in the military?

He was a drill instruction in the marine corps during his re-enlistment. He was discharged with 'other than honorable' for being too 'rough' on the recruits. He went UA(deserter status) for not going back to base after his separation. He was arrested for a traffic bench warrant, transfered back to base, served a month in military jail and then placed back on active duty until his separation time expired. will all this effect his ability to renew his green card?|||speak to an Aila lawyer before he files ...|||it's possible, that's one of those gray areas that would require a lawyer. Doesn't sound like a very responsible person to me|||Here is what I don’t understand. First everything you said except Military Jail are terms the Marine Corps use. However, what I don’t understand is he has a “Discharge Other Then Honorable” so he got his discharge why would he be expected to stay on base after his discharge? My only guess is he really messed with someone to where they “lost” his discharge forms and then he has a UA.

Also when you’re giving a Discharge often for example those in Boot Camp who don’t cut it they will be forced to wait for weeks/months/years in boot camp in Routing then Recruit Separation Platoon and even when you get your discharge papers you cannot leave until your bookings are all set and done and your ride gets there to take you to the airport or the greyhound terminal.

I am guessing he had to go into a similar situation to where he had to wait to be discharged. If he is still in, he should be able to stay but if not a Discharge Other is pretty much a Ghost Discharge. You’re records and you are null after six months unless it’s a dishonorable discharge. So for all his time in, it didn’t leave a good nor bad impact on his record, other then him getting arrested obviously.

But yeah once you get a UA once someone looks at your records or pulls you over, you go right back to base, go to the brig and then go back into the very long process of separation.

He did wrong though, now he knows what those poor recruits who stepped on those Yellow Foot Prints had to go through. Typically, people who complain about Drill Instructors well their paper work is lost and this caused them to sent to routing and back sometimes as punishment and then back into boot camp. One guy was in Recruit Separation Platoon for over two years.

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