Thursday, December 8, 2011

How do I check my card status?

my card no. is 977833267017 Wh/at benefits are there when using my card and how do I check this online?|||One benefit is that you only have to carry small amounts of cash. Another is that you will not have to lay out cash until the end of the "carry" period.

Your status: When your credit card is accepted for a purchase, your status is GOOD. When the clerk refuses to let you charge the purchase, this is NOT SO GOOD. When the clerk refuses to return your credit card, (naughty, naughty) this is BAAAAD.|||not really a good idea to put "your" card number on line

add an expiration date and someone will be spending your money before you have time to finish reading this reply. You can call the number on the back of your credit card and ask them what your limit is.

If you talk to a customer service rep, you can have them walk you thru the process of getting on line|||Contact your credit card company, and take your card number off of here, or else you'll have no credit available on the card.

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