Thursday, December 8, 2011

Does a status card replace the now passport requirement?

I am currently living in Texas and will be going to Canada in the future, will I need a passport?|||if you are going to canada, the status or passport card will suffice crossing the border, if you wanted to travel to other countries eg travel to europe, then you would need the full passport|||If you are 16 or older, yes. You must have one if you are traveling via plane (the airlines will not let you board without one). If you are driving across the border, you can use the new passport card (but you still need a passport book first). Get started on it now, because the normal process takes 4-6 weeks. If you find out you need to leave in less than 2 weeks, you can use a 3rd party, licensed hand-courier service (which can get it processed in as little as 24 hours).

Compliments of|||If you are a US citizen and are over 16 yr of age you do need a passport you can file for a passport at your Local Post Office but some require that you make an appointment ahead of time it can take from 4-6 weeks for you passport to arrive

If you are under 16 you just need a Current ID and your birth certificate but if you can get your passport that will save you more time

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