Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can I apply for OPT work permit and adjustment of status for green card visa lottery won at the same time?

I am international student of F1 visa. My wife who was also on F1 is out status due to some problems. My school has initiated my OPT application for work permit. Now, I won the Green card lottery visa for 2009. I would like to know if I can apply for the OPT work permit and adjustment of status for the green card at the same time.|||there might a problem for the OPT because its for non-immigrant student visa holders. At the same time you have applying for Immigrant visa. It is better to check with some attorney

|||After your EAD card expires you must either leave the U.S. or start a new program of study with a new I-20 within 60 days

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|||I think that there might be a problem as the 2 applications would basically contradict in terms of their immigrant/non-immigrant intent. It is likely that the OPT application may be refused. Why do you need the OPT anyway, if you would be getting the work benefits of the Adjustment of Status?

Since you have the out-of-status situation with your wife, I would highly recommend that you consult an immigration attorney and I'd suggest doing it through the standard family legal plan at as the consultations would cost you only $16 per month and they are unlimited. Plus, you'd get all your documents reviewed at no extra cost from a leading law firm in your state. I did consult with their legal firm in the state of Texas and could prepare my AOS application just by using the consultations. If you don't need the service anymore, you can always cancel the legal membership without further obligation. I hope this helps.

|||Don't hope too much on the visa Lottery if your case number is high.

There are 50,000 visas available and 99,600 people are selected for it.

Also those people in the USICS is the best to answer your questions.|||i want work permeet

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